Launch Materials for the V-GaN Tech Hub

The V-GaN Tech Hub partners (GlobalFoundries, the State of Vermont, and UVM) needed a suite of launch materials to announce the Hub, attract new partnerships, and secure available federal funding to develop gallium nitride technology in Vermont for national and global use.

I worked with them and their creative agencies to develop:

  • Landing pages

  • Email campaigns

  • Video scripts

  • Social media posts

UVM Strategic Communications


To increase awareness, a sequence of six emails customized for two audiences was sent over a two-month period. The emails had an average open rate of 40 percent and a click-through rate of 14 percent, which directly contributed to new partners signing on to join the Hub.

The emails linked to the new video, landing pages, and social media posts (examples below).


Blog Posts for RhizeBio


Article for Cabot Creamery Cooperative