Blogs and Photography
for Snow Farm Vineyard
Annual visits to the Snow Farm Vineyard & Winery blog increased over 400 percent one year after we developed a new SEO content strategy and I began ghostwriting for the blog. While on the blog, three percent sign up to be on the email list, well over the 1 percent industry average.
While blogging for Snow Farm, I discovered how fun it is to create cocktail recipes and photograph the many ways to use their wine (pinch me: Is this my real job!?). The photos and content below are courtesy of yours truly.

Meet the trendier younger-sister to champagne. It’s a sparkling wine called pet-nat — short for “pétillant naturel”— a French term that translates to “naturally sparkling.”
Read the blog.
5 Pet-Nat Sparkling Wine Cocktails You Have to Try
If you're a wine lover, then you know the words organic and natural can be used to describe wines. There are also sustainable, biodynamic, and regenerative practices. Wines with these labels are the latest hotness in the wine world and are renewing the waning interest of millennials in wine, much to the excitement of winemakers.
Read the blog.
Sustainable, Organic, Natural, and Biodynamic Wine: What Does it All Mean?
Alisha Utter was sitting on the porch of her Vermont country store, Arbor Farm Market, as an exiting customer swung open the door to proclaim, "You didn't have the big tomatoes!"
Utter explained that the farmer, Ron Hermann of Darby Farm, hadn't been by yet that morning to deliver the freshly-picked larger-than-life tomatoes to the South Hero, Vermont store, "He drives a big blue truck so if you see it coming this way it means the tomatoes are on their way!"
The customer nodded and yelled from their truck, "We'll be back!"
Read the full blog.